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Pattinaggio di figura: Lorenza Alessandrini annuncia l’addio alle competizioni



Ventisettenne milanese, la danzatrice Lorenza Alessandrini ha annunciato il proprio ritiro dalle competizioni attraverso un post pubblicato su Facebook ed Instagram. A lungo in coppia con Simone Vaturi, con il quale è salita tre volte sul podio dei Campionati Italiani, partecipando anche ed Europei e Mondiali, Lorenza si era trasferita nel 2014 in Francia, per pattinare con Pierre Souquet. Insieme, i due hanno ottenuto due podi ai Campionati Francesi, prendendo parte nuovamente alle due rassegne internazionali. Tuttavia, la stagione in corso ha visto Lorenza Alessandrini alle prese con qualche problema fisico di troppo, relegando i due al quarto posto nella competizione nazionale e privandoli dunque di una possibile partecipazione olimpica. La lombarda resterà comunque nel mondo del pattinaggio come allenatrice.

Hello everyone! Ok, this is not a complete surprise, but I’d like to announce the end of my competitive career and the beginning of my career as a coach! I didn’t have a perfect career, neither a conventional one, but that’s why I feel like it was so special. I lived so many beautiful moments, but I also had to face many difficulties, injuries and disappointments and each and every time, I found myself pushing back up and feeling richer and stronger. Honestly, I’m gonna miss it all: the early practices and the physical pain, the hilarious lockers room conversations, the feeling of satisfaction after a good run through and the privilege of performing for an audience, but finally, I’m ready to move on. As many of you know, this past year has been a real physical struggle. I dealt with many health issues such as chronical joint inflammation and hormonal problems, that compromised my ability to train effectively. Becoming a coach has always been my dream and I can’t wait to express my creativity in a different role and share all that I’ve learned with younger athletes to help them become the best they can be. One thing I really want to say is that to me people always came before results, and even if I’m more than happy with what I’ve achieved, I’m even happier for all the human connections I made. One of my personal goals was to always be a positive presence and to be a supportive friend with all of the others competitors. Making every moment become a memorable experience has always been important to me and if I was able to comfort someone after a bad skate, to help a friend after a difficult practice or to inspire someone just by staying open and positive…..then I’m more than happy with myself! 🙂 for anyone interested in more details ( or in working with me 😉 ) just write me in private and I’ll answer with pleasure ! 🙂 So this is it…. up and on now, always smiling, grinding and always feeling greatful for what I have! As daunting as it is, I can’t wait to discover the world after skating, bring it on 2018, I’m sure it’ll be a great new adventure ! 🙂

Un post condiviso da Lorenza Alessandrini (@loryalessandrini) in data:

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